Author Detail

James Bushnell (

Publications (29 records):

Title Year Series

Fuel Efficiency, Mode Choice and the Rebound Effect in U.S. Freight Transportation

2024 Research Report

The End of Neutrality? Fuel Standards, Technology Neutrality, and Stimulating the EV Market

2024 Journal Article

The Limits and Costs of Full Electrification

2024 Journal Article

The Economics of Electricity Reliability

2023 Journal Article
The Electric Ceiling: Limits and Costs of Full Electrification 2022 Working Paper
Brief: Do Electricity Prices Affect Electric Vehicle Adoption? 2021 Brief
Low Energy: Estimating Electric Vehicle Electricity Use 2021 Working Paper
Headwinds and Tailwinds: Implications of Inefficient Retail Energy Pricing for Energy Substitution 2021 Journal Article
The End of Neutrality? LCFS, Technology Neutrality, and Stimulating the Electric Vehicle Market 2021 Journal Article
Do Electricity Prices Affect Electric Vehicle Adoption? 2021 Research Report
Uncertainty, Innovation, and Infrastructure Credits: Outlook for the Low Carbon Fuel Standard Through 2030 2020 Research Report
Mode Choice, Energy, Emissions and the Rebound Effect in U.S. Freight Transportation 2020 Journal Article
Supercharged? Electricity Demand and the Electrification of Transportation in California 2020 Research Report
Fuel Subsidy Pass-Through and Market Structure: Evidence from the Renewable Fuel Standard 2019 Journal Article
Rethinking Trade Exposure: The Incidence of Environmental Charges in the Nitrogenous Fertilizer Industry 2017 Journal Article
Food vs. Fuel? Impacts of Petroleum Shipments on Agricultural Prices 2017 Journal Article
Economic Considerations: Cost-Effective and Efficient Climate Policies 2016 Journal Article
Fuel Price Impacts of the Renewable Fuel Standard 2016 Research Report
RIN Pass-Through to Retail E85 Prices Under the Renewable Fuel Standard 2016 Research Report
Reforming the U.S. Coal Leasing Program 2016 Journal Article
Status Review of California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard - April 2015 Issue (Revised Version) 2015 Research Report
Strategic Policy Choice in State-Level Regulation: The EPA's Clean Power Plan 2015 Journal Article
The U.S. Electricity Industry After 20 Years of Restructuring 2015 Journal Article
Expecting the Unexpected: Emissions Uncertainty and Environmental Market Design 2015 Research Report
State and Regional Comprehensive Carbon Pricing and Greenhouse Gas Regulation in the Power Sector Under EPA's Clean Power Plan: Workshop Summary 2015 Journal Article
Downstream Regulation of CO2 Emissions in California's Electricity Sector 2014 Journal Article
An Economic Perspective on the EPA's Clean Power Plan 2014 Journal Article
Allocation and Leakage in Regional Cap-and-Trade Markets for CO2 2012 Journal Article
Inefficiencies and Market Power in Financial Arbitrage: A Study of California's Electricity Markets 2009 Journal Article