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Innovative Corridors Initiative: Call for Submission Process and Evaluation


Working Paper

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Suggested Citation:
Finson, Rachel S., Cynthia McCormick, Susan A. Shaheen (2007) Innovative Corridors Initiative: Call for Submission Process and Evaluation. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Working Paper UCD-ITS-RR-07-06

The Innovative Corridors Initiative (ICI) represents an innovative business model for public agencies to partner with private industry to improve transportation system management and provide real-time information to users. The Call for Submissions (CFS) issued by Caltrans, MTC, LA MTA, ITS America, and CCIT offered private industry access to public rights-of-way and data. However, no funds were offered as part of the CFS, meaning the companies that submitted a proposal and participated needed to have the capacity to self-fund their projects. This report provides a summary of the processes to implement the CFS including: public outreach, proposal review, negotiations between the public agencies and private companies, operations, coordination with the 2005 ITS World Congress in San Francisco, and project closure. Researchers chronicled the lessons learned throughout the process through a series of interviews conducted with the parties involved. Especially important were findings related to the public-private partnership for ITS deployment that the ICI project pioneered.

Key Words: ITS, Public-Private Partnerships, Innovative Corridors Initiative, ITS World Congress