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A Framework for Life-Cycle Cost Analyses and Environmental Life-Cycle Assessments for Fully Permeable Pavements


Research Report

UC Pavement Research Center

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Suggested Citation:
Wang, Ting, John T. Harvey, David Jones (2010) A Framework for Life-Cycle Cost Analyses and Environmental Life-Cycle Assessments for Fully Permeable Pavements. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-10-48

This technical memorandum presents a summary of the methods and results from a life-cycle cost analysis, undertaken to understand the cost implications of constructing and maintaining fully permeable pavements. Input data for the models were obtained from the comprehensive laboratory investigation and computer performance modeling undertaken as part of the study, from California Department of Transportation databases, and from interviews with contractors. A framework for environmental life-cycle assessment for fully permeable pavements is also presented. A detailed life-cycle assessment could not be performed because of insufficient available data on the construction, long-term performance, maintenance, and salvage value of fully permeable pavements and currently used alternative best management practices (BMPs) for stormwater management. The results indicate that fully permeable pavements are potentially more cost-effective than currently available BMP technologies. These results will be used to prepare preliminary pavement designs for fully permeable pavement pilot studies in California and to identify under what conditions they are appropriate to use. The pavement designs will be presented in a separate report. A more comprehensive life-cycle assessment should be undertaken on completion of pilot studies.

UC Pavement Research Center document number UCPRC-TM-2010-05

CALTRANS document number CTSW-TM-09-249.03