Publication Detail

"Technology Innovation and Policy: A Case Study of the California ZEV Mandate," chapter 8 in Paving the Road to Sustainable Transport: Governance and Innovation in Low-Carbon Vehicles


Journal Article

Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS)

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Suggested Citation:
Vergis, Sydney and Vishal Mehta (2012) "Technology Innovation and Policy: A Case Study of the California ZEV Mandate," chapter 8 in Paving the Road to Sustainable Transport: Governance and Innovation in Low-Carbon Vehicles. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Journal Article UCD-ITS-RP-12-80

Suggested Citation: Vergis, Sydney and Vishal Mehta, "Technology Innovation and Policy: A Case Study of the California ZEV Mandate," chapter 8 in Paving the Road to Sustainable Transport: Governance and Innovation in Low-Carbon Vehicles, M. Nilsson, et al., editors. 2012, Routledge: Oxford.

This chapter presents an analysis of California’s Low Emissions Vehicle (LEV) and Clean Fuels regulation, with a focus on the Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) mandate. Utilizing the Technology Innovation System (TIS) framework adopted from Bergek et al (2005, 2008) and Hekkert et al (2007), we analyze the major factors that contributed to the development and deployment activities of low-emission, hybrid and zero emission vehicle technologies within the context of the ZEV mandate.

Keywords: California, zero emission vehicle, policy, technological innovation systems