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Results of the 2012-13 Campus Travel Survey


Research Report

Sustainable Transportation Center

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Suggested Citation:
Driller, Brigitte (2013) Results of the 2012-13 Campus Travel Survey. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-13-18

The UC Davis Campus Travel Survey is a joint effort by the Transportation & Parking Services (TAPS) and the Sustainable Transportation Center, part of the Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Davis. Since 2007 the survey has been administered each fall by a graduate student at the Institute of Transportation Studies. The main purpose of the survey is to collect annual data on how the UC Davis community travels to campus, including mode choice, vehicle occupancy, distances traveled, and carbon emissions. Over the past six years, the travel survey results have been used to assess awareness and utilization of campus transportation services and estimate demand for new services designed to promote sustainable commuting at UC Davis. Data from the campus travel survey have also provided researchers with valuable insights about the effects of attitudes and perceptions of mobility options on commute mode choice. This year’s survey is the seventh administration of the campus travel survey.

The 2012-13 survey was administered online in October 2012, distributed by email to a stratified random sample of 28,838 students, faculty, and staff (out of an estimated total population of 41,214). About 15.7 percent (4,514 individuals) of those contacted responded to this year’s survey, with 13.8 percent actually completing it. For the statistics presented throughout this report, we weight the responses by role (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, Master’s student, PhD student, faculty, and staff) and gender so that the proportion of respondents in each group reflects their proportion in the campus population.