Publication Detail

Reflections on China-U.S. Energy Cooperation: Overcoming Differences to Advance Collaboration


Journal Article

Suggested Citation:
Wan, Zheng and Brian Craig (2013) Reflections on China-U.S. Energy Cooperation: Overcoming Differences to Advance Collaboration. Utilities Policy 27, 93 - 97

This article discusses the developments achieved during the 2012-2013 working group sessions on the China - US Energy Cooperation Program held in Shanghai, China and New York, United States. A panel of experts and scholars from both countries discussed the progress made in advancing the cooperation, the opportunities that the collaboration will create, and the challenges that hinder definitive collaboration. The current issues that confront the initiative indicate that the major obstacle to cooperation between China and the US is a matter of different viewpoints. For the two countries to move forward in ther intention to establish a joint undertaking, they should come to a compromise on policy issues, perceptions on energy security, and market intervention. 

Keywords: Energy cooperation; Shale gas; Energy security; Energy policy; Market intervention