Publication Detail
Hydrogen Station Siting and Refueling Analysis Using Geographic Information Systems: A Case Study of Sacramento County
UCD-ITS-RR-04-37 Research Report Hydrogen Pathways Program Download PDF |
Suggested Citation:
Nicholas, Michael A. (2004) Hydrogen Station Siting and Refueling Analysis Using Geographic Information Systems: A Case Study of Sacramento County. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-04-37
The aim of this thesis is to employ meso-level analysis in order to make a macro-level estimation. Meso-level analysis is used to generate a reasonable network of station sites, and this network is compared to the existing network of stations. By comparing networks of varying number to the existing network, generalizations about the sufficient number of stations are made. Although the focus of this thesis is meso-level siting, all three levels should be considered.
Master's Thesis