Publication Detail

Taxicab Transportation in Bogotá, Colombia


Journal Article

Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS)

Available online at: Doi: 10.3141/2394-10

Suggested Citation:
Rodriguez-Valencia, Alvaro (2014) Taxicab Transportation in Bogotá, Colombia. Transportation Research Record 2394 (10), 77 - 84

Taxicabs are one of the least-studied urban transportation modes, especially in developing countries. In Bogotá, Colombia, in 1998, innovative policies intended to transform a car-centered transportation system into a people-oriented one were implemented. The high number of taxis circulating in Bogotá and the absence of any type of comprehensive report led to more investigation of this mode, specifically, its role in urban transportation. Results of a survey of 389 drivers are presented. It is concluded that this mode of transport is important and deserves to be studied more in depth. This system provides 59,000 direct jobs, collects 2.5 times more in fares than does the bus rapid transit TransMilenio, emits 3,000 tons of carbon dioxide daily, has a major impact on congestion, and is one of the least expensive taxicab systems in the world. Also discussed is the convenience of having inexpensive taxi service and its implications in sustainability.