Publication Detail
An Analytical Framework for Siting and Sizing Biomass Fuel Plants
UCD-ITS-RP-84-08 Journal Article |
Suggested Citation:
Sperling, Daniel (1984) An Analytical Framework for Siting and Sizing Biomass Fuel Plants. Energy 9 (12), 1033 - 1040
A generalized framework is presented for analyzing the relative attractiveness of biomass fuel production investments on a disaggregate level, using a systems approach to integrate sitespecific considerations. A model based on this approach may be used to site and size prospective biomass fuel plants and to identify and specify critical factors that threaten or enhance the viability of investments. Rather than providing a single mean value for each critical factor, structural relationships have been formulated. Generalized feedstock supply curves, processing cost functions and modal transportation cost functions are formulated to specify feedstock-production and fuel transport sub-systems. This analytical framework may be applied in any area with abundant biomass. Local costs and conditions and fuel demand patterns would be used to calibrate the model for each local area.