Publication Detail

Policy Learning and Science Policy Innovation Implementation by Street-level Bureaucrats


Journal Article

Available online at: DOI: 10.1017/S0143814X14000154

Suggested Citation:
Arnold, Gwen (2014) Policy Learning and Science Policy Innovation Implementation by Street-level Bureaucrats. Journal of Public Policy 34 (2), 389 - 414

This article investigates the conditions under which government officials who implement policy integrate the best available science into regulatory practice. It examines the adoption of rapid wetland assessment tools, a type of science policy innovation, by street-level bureaucrats in six US Mid-Atlantic states. These bureaucrats operate in relatively opaque and discretion-laden institutional settings. The analysis of an original survey of state wetland officials shows that these officials are more likely to adopt tools when they have more opportunities to learn tool-related information and practice norms. Bureaucrats’ adoption of this class of science policy innovations appears facilitated by peer communication via network ties, on-the-job experience and incentives and disincentives associated with bureaucrats’ organisational contexts and operating environments.

Keywords:  innovation diffusion; policy adoption; policy learning; science policy; street-level bureaucracy; wetlands