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The Norwegian Electric Vehicle Market: A Technological Innovation Systems Analysis


Research Report

Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS)

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Suggested Citation:
Vergis, Sydney (2014) The Norwegian Electric Vehicle Market: A Technological Innovation Systems Analysis. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-14-31

Ever since the internal combustion engine vehicle usurped the plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) at the beginning of 20th century, PEVs have only ever been an inconsequential niche product in the market. Now, however, they appear poised to make a come-back in certain markets, driven significantly by new battery technologies, building upon the technological evolution of hybrids, and motivated by new policies focused on reducing greenhouse gas pollutants. Understanding how this market is likely to evolve in different jurisdictions requires an understanding of the major factors, technical, economic, and societal, that are driving this change. This paper applies a technological innovation system framework consisting of seven indicators- knowledge development and diffusion, influence on the direction of search, entrepreneurial experimentation, market formation, legitimation, resources mobilization, and development of positive externalities- to examine Norway as a case-study of actors, institutions, and networks that have led to relatively high levels of electric vehicle adoption. Factors that appear to contribute strongly to Norway's battery-electric market shares include significant consumer incentives including purchase and in-use incentives. Norway has also benefited from research, development, and market activity occurring elsewhere in the world that has contributed to the availability of the products that currently dominate the Norwegian market
From the Transportation Research Board's 93rd Meeting. January 12-16, 2014 Washington, D.C.