Publication Detail

A Linear Diffusion Model for Ion Current Across Blocking Grain Boundaries in Oxygen-ion and Proton Conductors


Journal Article

Available online at: DOI: 10.1039/C4CP01254B

Suggested Citation:
Kim, Seong, Sergey Khodorov, Igor Lubomirsky, Sangtae Kim (2014) A Linear Diffusion Model for Ion Current Across Blocking Grain Boundaries in Oxygen-ion and Proton Conductors. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16, 14961 - 14968

We demonstrate the applicability of the linear diffusion model recently proposed for the current–voltage, IgbUgb, characteristics of blocking grain boundaries in solid electrolytes to various oxygen-ion and proton conductors: the model precisely reproduces the IgbUgb characteristics of La-, Sm-, Gd-, and Y-doped ceria as well as Y-doped barium zirconate to provide accurate explanations to the “power law” behavior of the IgbUgb relationship, i.e. IgbUgbn, experimentally observed. The model also predicts that the grain-boundary potential, Ψgb, in doped ceria weakly depends on temperature, if the trapped charge remains constant, and that the value of Ψgb can be determined from the value of the power n. Furthermore, the model provides a plausible explanation for the increase in the Ψgb with temperature observed for the proton conductor in which the concentration of the charge carrier decreases with temperature. Hence, it is evident that the linear diffusion model is robust and applicable to grain boundaries in a large variety of practically important solid electrolytes.