Publication Detail

ICT-Dependent Life and Its Impacts on Mobility


Journal Article

National Center for Sustainable Transportation

Suggested Citation:
Circella, Giovanni (2017) ICT-Dependent Life and Its Impacts on Mobility. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Journal Article UCD-ITS-RP-17-27

The rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT) is revolutionizing people’s lives in many ways. Among their numerous impacts, ICT solutions allow for more flexibility in individuals’ schedules, and provide new alternatives for the organization of work, social and recreational activities. Several types of relationships are possible between the adoption of ICT and travel behavior, leading to the eventual complementarity with, substitution of, modification of, or neutrality with travel. Modern technologies play an important role in affecting individuals’ long- and medium-term decisions as well as numerous daily choices. The application of information and communication technologies is also behind the introduction of new shared mobility services that were barely imaginable only a few years ago. These services expand the set of travel options available to individuals. The effects of the availability and adoption of these technologies on individual behaviors are still largely unclear. They will likely cause long-lasting impacts on travel patterns, vehicle ownership, and life organization.

Keywords: Information and communication technology; Lifestyles; Mobility; Travel behavior; Shared mobility services; Complementarity; Substitution; Modification; Neutrality; Urban form; Connected and autonomous vehicles

Suggested Citation: Circella, Giovanni (2017) ICT-Dependent Life and Its Impacts on Mobility. In: Zhang J. (eds.) Life-Oriented Behavioral Research for Urban Policy. Springer, Tokyo