Publication Detail

Initial Evaluation Methodology and Case Studies for Life Cycle Impact of Permeability of Permeable Pavements


Journal Article

UC Pavement Research Center

Suggested Citation:
Wang, Yu, Hui Li, Ahmed Abdelhady, John T. Harvey (2018) Initial Evaluation Methodology and Case Studies for Life Cycle Impact of Permeability of Permeable Pavements. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 7 (3), 169 - 178

In recent years, urban flooding has occurred frequently in different cities in China. This has caused huge economic and environmental damages. As one of the main elements in the concept of sponge city – a potential solution to this problem – permeable pavements have attracted great attentions. This new technology has the ability to mitigate urban flooding effectively and it also provides other environmental benefits. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a newly developed evaluation approach that can be applied to estimate the environmental impacts of pervious pavements in the entire life cycle.

This study propose a basic model which can be applied to both permeable asphalt pavements and permeable concrete pavements to evaluate their environmental impacts. The impacts of this technology are investigated on urban flooding, water recycling and water purification. Then a comparison between permeable asphalt pavement and dense-graded asphalt pavement is conducted for a typical four-lane secondary road. Results indicate that in 10 km of the modeled road, 49TJ of energy consumption, 6700 t of equivalent carbon dioxide emissions, 0.1 t of lead emissions and 1 t of zinc emissions can be avoided if the permeable pavements is used. Moreover, the most significant reduction in energy consumption, GHG emissions, lead emissions and zinc emissions occurs in the use phase.

Key words: Life cycle assessment, permeable pavements, permeability, environmental impacts