Publication Detail

Guide for Partial- and Full-Depth Pavement Recycling in California


Research Report

UC Pavement Research Center

Suggested Citation:
Jones, David, Stephanus Louw, John T. Harvey (2020) Guide for Partial- and Full-Depth Pavement Recycling in California. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-21-11

This document has been prepared to guide practitioners on project investigation, recycling strategy selection, pavement structural design, environmental life cycle and life cycle cost assessment, mix design, and construction of in-place pavement recycling projects on flexible pavements in California. It provides information specific to California conditions to supplement the California Highway Design Manual (HDM), specification documents, and other available design guides.

The main changes and updates to the 2017 version of the guide (UCPRC-GL-2017-04) include the following:

• Updates to terminology used for in-place recycling

• Updates to the project investigation chapter, including alignment with the new Caltrans site investigation guide, which was under review at the time of writing this guide

• Updates throughout the guide to include cold central plant recycling (CCPR) • Inclusion of mechanistic-empirical design procedures (CalME) in the design chapter • Updates to the mix design chapter to align with the new California Test Method (CT-315) for mix design for partial depth recycling

• Inclusion of a provisional laboratory procedure for mix designs for full-depth recycling with cement (FDR-C)

• Updates to the construction chapter to align with recent specification changes

Key words: In-place pavement recycling, partial-depth recycling, full-depth recycling, cold central plant recycling