Publication Detail

Tech Brief: Environmental Product Declarations: Communicating Environmental Impact for Transportation Products



UC Pavement Research Center

Suggested Citation:
Rangelov, Milena, Heather Dylla, John T. Harvey, Joep Meijer, Prashant Ram (2021) Tech Brief: Environmental Product Declarations: Communicating Environmental Impact for Transportation Products. United States Department of Transportation

Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) are developed by the producers of construction materials as tools that communicate the environmental impacts of material production. In recent years, State Departments of Transportation (DOTs), as well as other State and local government agencies, have expressed interest in using EPDs. This document is an expanded version of an affiliated document (Environmental Product Declarations, FHWA-HIF-19-027-c) and it summarizes the information on to-date developments in the domain of EPDs for pavement materials as well as their potential implementation. The purpose of this document is educational.