Publication Detail

Development of Caltrans Concrete Overlay on Asphalt Pavement Design Catalog Tables Using Pavement ME


Research Report

UC Pavement Research Center

Suggested Citation:
Mateos, Angel and John T. Harvey (2022) Development of Caltrans Concrete Overlay on Asphalt Pavement Design Catalog Tables Using Pavement ME. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-22-98

This report summarizes the work completed to develop the concrete overlay on asphalt (COA) tables of the new Caltrans Highway Design Manual (HDM) Rigid Pavement Design Catalog. The tables consider the different pavement structures that are candidates for rehabilitation with COA with short transverse joint spacing on the Caltrans road network. The tables were developed using Pavement ME (version 2.5.5) with the nationally calibrated COA cracking model. Pavement ME inputs were determined by considering the state’s climate, traffic, materials, and construction practices. The design tables reflect the recommendations from previous Caltrans research about COA, including slab size, shoulder type, and load transfer efficiency. The Pavement ME inputs for developing the tables include a design life of 20 years, 10% target cracking, and 95% design reliability. The tables will be included in the printed version of the new HDM Rigid Pavement Design Catalog.

Key words: rigid pavement, bonded concrete overlay of asphalt, whitetopping, pavement rehabilitation, Pavement ME