Publication Detail

Challenges Faced by People with Disabilities in Public and Active Transportation Systems in the United States of America


Research Report

3 Revolutions Future Mobility Program

Suggested Citation:
Venkataram, Prashanth S., Justin Flynn, Giovanni Circella, Daniel Sperling (2023) Challenges Faced by People with Disabilities in Public and Active Transportation Systems in the United States of America. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-23-14

A significant fraction of people with disabilities in the United States of America (US) do not drive, and these people disproportionately use public transit and paratransit services compared to drivers with disabilities. Substantial research exists regarding not only the ease for people with disabilities to use public transit and paratransit services but also the availability of such services and the availability of nearby pedestrian infrastructure. However, much less research exists regarding the effects of shared micromobility services, car-free areas, and consolidation of public transit services on the mobility of people with disabilities. This systems-level thinking about not only first-order effects but also second- and higher-order effects is critical for the development of policies that more effectively address the mobility needs of people with disabilities.