Publication Detail

mAPPing Roadkill to Improve Driver and Wildlife Safety on Highways


Research Report

UC ITS Research Reports / Senate Bill 1 (SB1)

Suggested Citation:
Shilling, Fraser M. and David P. Waetjen (2017) mAPPing Roadkill to Improve Driver and Wildlife Safety on Highways. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-17-68

This application framework will provide Caltrans staff and partners the ability to easily collect information on roadsidefeatures and document their findings in a web-based database which can be shared within Caltrans, as well as externally.The “one-click” application allows for users to simply point at a roadside feature, snap a photo, and this information willautomatically be sent to the image server for processing. Additional annotation can be added (such as an animal species),which will provide the necessary verification steps for a complete and permanent record. These data are a critical first stepto mitigating impacts to drivers and animals from collisions.

Key words: mobile applications, highway safety, wildlife, crowdsourcing