Publication Detail

Brief: Improving Data Reporting for State Renewable Portfolio Standards



Suggested Citation:
Behrsin, Ingrid, Olivia Zanzonico, Johanna Heyer, Alejandro Prieto, Francesca Disano, Hannah Safford (2020) Brief: Improving Data Reporting for State Renewable Portfolio Standards. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Brief UCD-ITS-RR-20-113

Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPSs) have become an   important   tool   by   which   states   encourage   renewable  energy  growth.  To  fully  understand  the  effects  of  RPSs,  it  is  important  that  policymakers  have  ready  access  to  complete,  reliable  data  on  the  energy  facilities  that  RPSs  cover.  Yet  such  data  are  often  messy,  incomplete,  and  stored  in  ways  that   impede   analysis.   This   policy   brief   presents   two  simple  strategies  for  improving  state-level  RPS  data  reporting.  First,  states  should  include  Energy  Information    Administration    (EIA)    plant    codes    in  their  RPS  reporting  templates.  Including  EIA  plant  codes  will  allow  easy  integration  of  data  from  multiple   states   with   robust,   existing   federal   EIA   datasets. Second,  all  state  templates  for  RPS  data  reporting  should  include  baseline  categories  such  as facility capacity, location, and fuel type. Making such  categories  common  to  all  state  templates  will  help  policymakers  and  researchers  answer  local,  regional, and comparative questions about variability in renewable energy distribution and growth