Publication Detail
Urban Transport, Energy and Environment: A Case of Delhi
UCD-ITS-RR-00-11 Research Report |
Suggested Citation:
Ranjan, B. and K. Nesamani (2000) Urban Transport, Energy and Environment: A Case of Delhi. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-00-11
The following key questions pertaining to the transport sector in Delhi have been addressed in this report.
- What are the changes in the composition of motor vehicles observed in the past, in terms of performance, energy consumption, and emissions of local pollutants and greenhouse gases?
- How are the growth and composition of vehicles expected to behave in future in the light of vehicular emission control policies?
- What are the implications of growing level of motorization on air quality in Delhi?
- What range of energy-efficient and low-carbon energy supply options should be considered for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions?
- What is the achievable potential of reducing emissions of local pollutants and greenhouse gases compared to a business-as-usual or baseline scenario?