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Global Climate Change, Developing Countries and Transport Sector Options in South Africa


Research Report

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Suggested Citation:
Naudé, Clifford, Roland Mirrilees, George Dehlen, Jolanda P. Prozzi, Mashooda Mangera, Constance Moleho, Amanda Meyer, Daniel Sperling, Lothlorien S. Redmond (2000) Global Climate Change, Developing Countries and Transport Sector Options in South Africa. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-00-12

This report was undertaken for the PEW Center on Global Climate Change and deals specifically with the issue of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Transport Sector in South Africa. As a country study its focus is on the national level due to the relative size of the transport sector in South Africa versus some of the other case studies, as well as the availability of data in this country.

The objectives of the study are to:
  • Gather information on the development of the transport system in South Africa, the key drivers which have shaped the current system, and critical issues and priorities;
  • Identify current policy goals and initiatives relating to the transport sector and their possible implications for the sector over the long term (i.e. 20 years);
  • Assess the contribution by the transport sector to Greenhouse Gas Emissions;
  • Identify possible measures (where appropriate) which can be employed to influence the transport sector in the South African context; and
  • Set out scenarios for the transport sector in South Africa in such a way that stakeholders will understand the benefits of mitigation and how this can lead to the enhancement of economic growth opportunities, rather than constraining it.
In addressing the respective components of the project, an interview process was conducted by members of the project team. This involved a series of discussions with key role players in the transport sector in an attempt to obtain their views on current and future drivers of the system. The discussions were also used as input to the scenario generation process to formulate useful outlooks of the future of the transport sector in South Africa.