Publication Detail

Carving up the Curb: Evaluating Curb Management Strategies for Ride-Hailing and Ride-Sharing Activity through Simulation


Conference Paper

Suggested Citation:
Saracco, Matteo, Rebecca Kiriazes, Kari Watkins, Michael Hunter (2024)

Carving up the Curb: Evaluating Curb Management Strategies for Ride-Hailing and Ride-Sharing Activity through Simulation

. International Conference on Transportation and Development 2024

As ride-sharing services increasingly redefine how people move within urban areas, the curb environment (the public space between roadway and sidewalk) will have to be able to accommodate new uses and new users. This study seeks to understand how formalizing a space for curbside pick-up and drop-off (PUDO) activity typical of new transportation modes such as ride-sharing will impact traffic flow and curb use. Microscopic simulation models calibrated using data collected in Atlanta, GA, were devised, and performance metrics such as delay and occupancy rate were collected. By varying traffic flow conditions and changing the percentage of PUDO parking events, an analysis of different curb configurations was conducted, and results were compared with those from a traditional curb design. The introduction of dedicated PUDO zones created significant reductions in delay. With high utilization, these zones have the potential to reduce double-parking, increase curb utilization, and positively affect through traffic.