Publication Detail
Local and State Government Procurement to Reduce Transportation Infrastructure Environmental Impacts
UCD-ITS-RR-24-70 White Paper UC Pavement Research Center, National Center for Sustainable Transportation
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Suggested Citation:
Harvey, John T. (2024)
Local and State Government Procurement to Reduce Transportation Infrastructure Environmental Impacts
. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, White Paper UCD-ITS-RR-24-70Green Public Procurement is to be understood as a set of policies, actions and practices that leverage acquisitions to address all types of environmental challenges. This white paper lays out the case and a recommended approach for establishing public procurement programs to reduce, as fast as possible, the environmental impacts of keeping and improving transportation infrastructure functionality. The white paper covers various motivations and potential goals, benefits and co-benefits, readiness of industry and state and federal initiatives, identification and addressing of risks and challenges, basic definitions and tools to be used, the overall recommended approach, and a summary of the program elements needed to implement such a program.
Key words:
procurement, green public procurement, decarbonization, environmental product declaration (EPD), benchmark