Publication Detail
Transferring Transportation Planning Technology: Reflections and an Agenda
UCD-ITS-RP-87-05 Journal Article |
Suggested Citation:
Gomes, Luiz Flavio A. and Daniel Sperling (1987) Transferring Transportation Planning Technology: Reflections and an Agenda. Ciê;ncia e Cultura 39 (5-6), 548 - 550
In this paper the question of how to make the transfer of mentifact-type planning technologies between countries feasible and productive is addressed to. The authors identify the most reasonable strategy for building transportation planning expertise as the one that relies on borrowing from the huge reservoir of existing knowledge and experience, but doing so selectively, and with the commitment to adaptation to the local situation. A brief agenda is then set in order to help those concerned with transportation problem solving in any given country to make the best use of knowledge and experience available at the international level.