Publication Detail

The Sequenced Activity Mobility Simulator (SAMS): An Integrated Approach to Modeling Transportation, Land Use and Air Quality


Journal Article

Suggested Citation:
Kitamura, Ryuichi, Eric I. Pas, Clarisse V. Lula, T. K. Lawton, Paul E. Benson (1996) The Sequenced Activity Mobility Simulator (SAMS): An Integrated Approach to Modeling Transportation, Land Use and Air Quality. Transportation 23 (3), 267 - 291

The persistence of environmental problems in urban areas and the prospect of increasing congestion have precipitated a variety of new policies in the USA, with concomitant analytical and modeling requirements for transportation planning. This paper introduces the Sequenced Activity-Mobility Simulator (SAMS), a dynamic and integrated microsimulation forecasting system for transportation, land use and air quality, designed to overcome the deficiencies of conventional four-step travel demand forecasting systems. The proposed SAMS framework represents a departure from many of the conventional paradigms in travel demand forecasting. In particular, it aims at replicating the adaptative dynamics underlying transportation phenomena; explicitly incorporates the time-of-day dimension; represents human behavior based on the satisficing, as opposed to optimizing, principle; and endogenously forecasts socio-demographic, land use, vehicle fleet mix, and other variables that have traditionally been projected externally to be input into the forecasting process.