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Advanced Interfaces for Multi-Option Real-Time Rideshare System


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Suggested Citation:
Reddy, Prasuna D., Paul P. Jovanis, Ryuichi Kitamura (1995) Advanced Interfaces for Multi-Option Real-Time Rideshare System. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Presentation Series UCD-ITS-RP-95-44

Proceedings of 1995 Annual Meeting of ITS America, Washington, DC

Ridesharing has long been perceived as a commuting mode that requires planning and jacks the flexibility traditionally associated with commuting alternatives, such as solo driving. An efficient rideshare matching system is essential to promote ridesharing as an effective commuting alternative. This paper describes ways to increase the performance of the rideshare matching system to match not only for sequential origin-destination (O-D) and work start-time, but also pick-up and drop-off of riders using a geographic information system (GIS) platform. All trips are linked with other trip attributes that will help as part of the information database. The prototype demostrates image-integration technology by including a user picture as a security measure. The next part of the paper talks about interfacing a voice-recognition algorithm to the ridesharing system. The last part of this paper explains how an operator can recognize a handwritten input from the user with an operator.