Publication Detail

Picking the Participants: Guidelines for Selecting a Telecommuting Team


Research Report

Suggested Citation:
Buckinger, Carol (1994) Picking the Participants: Guidelines for Selecting a Telecommuting Team. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-94-11

Proper recruitment of telecommuters for participation in a telecommuting program is a critical part of implementing a program. Employees who are effective remote workers have a personality profile that enables them to work independently and self-sufficiently while maintaining a strong communication link with their manager and the rest of the office. Assessing a potential telecommuter's personality and work style to determine his or her aptitude for remote work is a critical part of the selection process, but is only a step in a wider range of functions. Included in evaluating an employee's suitability for remote work is analyzing the nature of the job as a whole, and identifying those components that are "telecommutable", or whose execution does not have to be done at a central location. It should also be determined if the supervisor of the potential telecommuter is apt to be a good remote manager. Thus, participant selection encompasses an analysis of jobs and projects, as well as an assessment of managers' and employees' work and personality styles.