Publication Detail

Electrochemical Capacitors for Electric Vehicles – A Technology Update and Recent Test Results from the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory


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Suggested Citation:
Burke, Andrew (1994) Electrochemical Capacitors for Electric Vehicles – A Technology Update and Recent Test Results from the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Presentation Series UCD-ITS-RP-94-11

Proceedings of the 36th Power Sources Conference

The DOE Electrochemical Capacitor (ultracapacitor) Development Program is reviewed and the technologies being pursued to meet the near-term, and advanced energy density goals of 5 Wh/kg and 15 Wh/kg, respectively, are identified and their status assessed.

Capacitor testing at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) is summarized with special attention being given to tests of the Panasonic 3 V, 1500 F device at temperatures between -25°C and +65°C and tests of a 168 V pack of Pansonic 3 V, 500 F devices at powers up to 25 kW.