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Dynamometer and Road Testing of Advanced Electric Vehicles and Projections of Future Range Capability


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Suggested Citation:
Burke, Andrew (1994) Dynamometer and Road Testing of Advanced Electric Vehicles and Projections of Future Range Capability. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Presentation Series UCD-ITS-RP-94-37

Proceedings, The 12th International Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS-12). Vol. 2, Sessions 3A-6D

Chassis dynamometer test data for three electric vehicles – the Ford/GE ETX-II, the AC Propulsion CRX, and the Solectria Force – are presented. Each of the vehicles uses an advanced ac motor and three-phase electronic controller. Tests were performed using sealed lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride, and sodium sulfur batteries. The net energy consumption of the small passenger cars on the all-electric driving cycle (FUDS plus FHWTS) was 85Wh/km, which was in good agreement with simulation results obtained using the SIMPLEV computer program. Improvements in both vehicle and battery characteristics compared to the vehicles tested were projected and the energy consumption and range of the advanced vehicles predicted using SIMPLEV. The calculations indicated for the small passenger cars, 83Wh/km and a range of up to 500km (nickel-metal hydride batteries) and for minivans, 160Wh/km and a range of up to 390km (sodium sulfur batteries).