Publication Detail

Further Assessment of Motor Carrier Driving Risk Using Cox's Semi-parametric Model with Stop Effects


Research Report

Suggested Citation:
Yang, Chun-Zin, Paul P. Jovanis, Tzuoo-Ding Lin (1993) Further Assessment of Motor Carrier Driving Risk Using Cox's Semi-parametric Model with Stop Effects. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-93-09

Previous study demonstrated motor driving risk for a group of bad drivers. Although that analysis was based only on accident data, it revealed a valuable approach which can be employed to further find out driving risk behavior for an extended group of drivers. Assessing risk from accident-only data of a motor carrier seems to underestimate the potential danger for bad drivers and overestimate the potential danger for good ones. Thus, this extended data allows to account for undiscovered behaviors from good drivers.

On a disaggregrate level, this study continues to examine driving risk phenomenon in a consistent way as that of the previous study. However, from the viewpoint of better representativeness of the driver population, this current research may give a different story about driving risk for the general drivers from that was given previously for the riskier drivers.