Publication Detail

Transportation Technology in the 21st Century


Research Report

Suggested Citation:
Jovanis, Paul P., G. Owens, A. Bennett, Melanie Crotty, Ryuichi Kitamura (1993) Transportation Technology in the 21st Century. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-93-32

In the coming decades the deployment of Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) and other advanced technologies will substantially alter the ways in which Caltrans delivers transportation services to the residents of the State of California. To ensure that Caltrans continues to deliver quality transportation services, its employees need to be aware of the coming technological changes, their probable effects and how to take advantage of them.

In response to these concerns, Caltrans Division of New Technology, Material and Research contracted with the Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Davis to develop a curriculum to discuss advanced technology opportunities and challenges and how Caltrans might respond to them. In concert with ITS Berkeley and ITS Extension, the project "Transportation Technology in the 21st Century" was undertaken in May 1991. This report represents the final report for the project.

This curriculum represents an example usage of the final report of the project. The final report forms the core of the curriculum to which is added a specific schedule and an intended target audience. Mid-level engineers in the traffic operations area are targeted for this course which is designed for 2 1/2 days. Throughout the curriculum, there are notes regarding specific examples that may be used to illustrate important concepts. The examples are all drawn from a common test case: Advanced Traffic Management and Information System (ATMIS). The test case is used to illustrate more abstract concepts and to provide a more practical orientation for the course attendees.