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Understanding Traveler Responses to ATIS


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Abdel-Aty, Mohamed A., Kenneth M. Vaughn, Paul P. Jovanis, Ryuichi Kitamura (1993) Understanding Traveler Responses to ATIS. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Presentation Series UCD-ITS-RP-93-20

Proceedings, ISATA – 26th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation: The Motor Vehicle and the Environment – Demands of the Nineties and Beyond, Aachen, Germany

An important element of the U. S. Intelligent Vehicle Highway System (IVHS) program is Advanced Traveler Information Systems. Current research being performed by the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California at Davis (ITS-Davis) is investigating the impact of Advanced Traveler Information Systems, or ATIS, on travel demand. The goal of the project is to understand how people will adopt ATIS, learn its use, devise rules for travel planning and how all these relate to travel demand. This paper presents an overview of the four major research activities currently undertaken at the University of California at Davis to study the behavioral relationships of drivers and ATIS, and presents current research results from two of these activities.