Publication Detail
The Future of Motor Vehicles In OECD Countries
UCD-ITS-RP-91-14 Presentation Series |
Suggested Citation:
Sperling, Daniel (1992) The Future of Motor Vehicles In OECD Countries. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Presentation Series UCD-ITS-RP-91-14
Presented at the International Conference, "The Motor Vehicle of Tomorrow and Environment Protection," Courmayeur, Italy, January 23 - 24, 1992
The USA has more than one vehicle per licensed driver, and other OECD countries are not far behind. Automobiles (light trucks) now account for about 75-85% of all passenger travel in all OECD countries except Japan. This is truly a huge success story for the automotive industry. But has the car by its very success created the conditions for its own downfall? I argue that the automotive industry is not prepared—neither in terms of its technology nor its corporate thinking—for the major changes that are imminent.
The USA has more than one vehicle per licensed driver, and other OECD countries are not far behind. Automobiles (light trucks) now account for about 75-85% of all passenger travel in all OECD countries except Japan. This is truly a huge success story for the automotive industry. But has the car by its very success created the conditions for its own downfall? I argue that the automotive industry is not prepared—neither in terms of its technology nor its corporate thinking—for the major changes that are imminent.