University of California, Davis
Optimizing Bikeshare Service to Connect Affordable Housing Units With Transit Service
Exploring the Potential Role of Bikeshare to Complement Public Transit: The Case of San Francisco Amid the Coronavirus Crisis
Optimizing Bikeshare Service to Connect Affordable Housing Units with Transit Service
Brief: Do Dock-based and Dockless Bikesharing Systems Provide Equitable Access for Disadvantaged Communities?
What Travel Modes Do Shared E-scooters Displace? A Review of Recent Research Findings
Equitable Distribution of Bikeshare Stations: An Optimization Approach
Dock-based and Dockless Bikesharing Systems: Analysis of Equitable Access for Disadvantaged Communities
Predicting Bicycle Pavement Ride Quality: Sensor-Based Statistical Model
Bikesharing, Equity, and Disadvantaged Communities: A Case Study in Chicago
Enhancing Equitable Service Level: Which Can Address Better, Dockless or Dock-Based Bikeshare Systems?
Modeling Framework for Socially Inclusive Bikesharing Services
Brief: Identifying Bikeshare Station Locations to Improve Underserved Communities’ Accessibility
Assessment for Health Equity of PM2.5 Exposure in Bikeshare Systems: The Case of Divvy in Chicago
High Impact Prioritization of Bikeshare Program Investment to Improve Disadvantaged Communities' Access to Jobs and Essential Services
NCST Research Report: High Impact Prioritization of Bikeshare Program Investment to Improve Underserved Communities’ Access to Jobs and Essential Services
Predicting Bicycle Ride Quality From Dynamic Measurements and Pavement Roughness Index