Publication Detail

Bikeshare Destination Choices and Accessibility Among Disadvantaged Communities


Journal Article

Sustainable Freight Research Program

Suggested Citation:
Qian, Xiaodong and Miguel Jaller (2021) Bikeshare Destination Choices and Accessibility Among Disadvantaged Communities. Transportation Research Part D 91, 102686

There is a lack of understanding of trip destination choices and behaviors for bikeshare users from disadvantaged communities, which are usually underrepresented in bikeshare users’ profiles. Consequently, this study develops a competing destination model to analyze the spatial patterns of choice parameters of bikeshare trips. This research highlights the fact that areas with improved accessibility (i.e., the capability to access different mobility services and technologies, and/or to reach key destinations/opportunities) are more likely to attract bikeshare trips. Among user types (i.e., annual members, day-pass users), annual members from disadvantaged areas are more likely to travel longer distances to other areas that offer more services and opportunities. However, these users are more sensitive to the extra charge levied after the 30-minute grace trip time. This study provides practical suggestions towards designing equitable bikeshare systems to make the social benefits of bikeshare available to all.

Key words: Bikeshare systems, Competing destination model (CDM), Accessibility, Transportation equity, Social benefits