Changes in Activity-Travel Patterns and Vehicle Ownership During the COVID-19 Pandemic in California
Not All Ride-Hailing Trips Are Created Equal: An Examination of Additional Trips Enabled by Ride-Hailing and the Users Who Made Them
Brief: Assessing the Shift to Remote and Hybrid Work in California throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic
Barriers to Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Transportation Part 2: Investigating Evolving Travel Behaviors in the Post-Pandemic Period in California
Barriers to Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Transportation Network Companies – Support to the Clean Miles Standard
Change in Work Arrangement During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Large Shift to Remote and Hybrid Work
Ridehailing Use, Travel Patterns and Multimodality: A Latent-Class Cluster Analysis of One-Week GPS-Based Travel Diaries in California
Examining Complex Impacts of E-shopping and Built Environment Factors on Shopping VMT
Trips to the Grocery Store and Online Grocery Shopping: A Comparison of Individual Behaviors before and during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic