Publication Detail

Highway Noise Abatement: Planning Tools and Danish Examples


Research Report

UC Pavement Research Center

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Suggested Citation:
Bendtsen, Hans (2010) Highway Noise Abatement: Planning Tools and Danish Examples. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-10-24

This report presents a series of methods implemented in Denmark and other European countries for the assessment and control of the impacts of highway noise on the neighboring public. It introduces Danish guidelines for the assessment of noise impact. Also described are examples of noise abatement planning for three different cases: planning of new highways, planning of highway widening projects, and noise abatement on existing highways. Experience shows that there is no single approach that can remove all noise problems along highways. It will be necessary for more effective noise abatement to take different approaches together, including noise-reducing pavements, noise barriers, facade insulation, and proper land use strategies. Harmonized public-private partnership is also critical for successful implementation of public policy and regulations related to noise abatement. 

Keywords: highway noise, noise abatement, noise-reducing pavements, noise barriers, façade insulation
