Publication Detail

Evaluation of the Operation and Accuracy of Five Available Smart Growth Trip Generation Methodologies - APPENDIX C: Practitioners Panel Survey on Operational Criteria


Research Report

Sustainable Transportation Center

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Suggested Citation:
Lee, Richard, Joshua Miller, Rachel Maiss, Mary M. Campbell, Kevan R. Shafizadeh, Debbie A. Niemeier, Susan L. Handy, Terry Parker (2011) Evaluation of the Operation and Accuracy of Five Available Smart Growth Trip Generation Methodologies - APPENDIX C: Practitioners Panel Survey on Operational Criteria. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-11-12C

As part of the UC Davis-Caltrans project, "Trip-Generation Rates for Smart-Growth Land Use Projects in California," the project team created an on-line survey to allow Practitioner Panel members to rank operational criteria that had been identified through shared discussions. Eleven panel members opened the on-line survey. Eight completed the survey. Respondents were allowed to skip questions, so there is not a consistent number of respondents for each question. Typically, there were eight responses to each question. Respondents were asked to rate criteria from 1 to 6 with 1 being the "least important" and 6 being the "most important" ranking for each criterion. The average response from 1 to 6 is shown in the shaded column. Responses are listed in the order of highest to lowest averages for each category. Top-rated criteria are listed on the last page (page 8).

Download the full report, Appendix A, or Appendix B.