Publication Detail

From Waste to Hydrogen: An Optimal Design of Energy Production and Distribution Network


Journal Article

Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS)

Suggested Citation:
Parker, Nathan C., Yueyue Fan, Joan M. Ogden (2010) From Waste to Hydrogen: An Optimal Design of Energy Production and Distribution Network. Transportation Research Part E 46 (4), 534 - 545

This paper focuses on evaluating the economic potential and infrastructure requirements of hydrogen production from agricultural residues, a representative green energy pathway. A mixed-integer nonlinear programming model is constructed for ï¬nding the most efï¬cient and economical conï¬guration of the whole pathway. Using northern California case studies, we found that hydrogen from agricultural wastes can be delivered at costs similar to producing hydrogen from natural gas, a non-renewable energy source. The potential impact of this energy pathway on local freight transport is also discussed depending on the choice of hydrogen delivery mode.

Keywords: renewable energy, logistics network design, facility location, hydrogen infrastructure, freight transport