Publication Detail

On Modeling the Choices of Work-Hour Arrangement, Location and Frequency of Telecommuting


Research Report

Sustainable Transportation Center

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Suggested Citation:
Vana, Prasad, Chandra R. Bhat, Patricia L. Mokhtarian (2008) On Modeling the Choices of Work-Hour Arrangement, Location and Frequency of Telecommuting. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-08-48

A comprehensive model of three distinct dimensions of work-related choices is proposed in this study. The different choice dimensions considered are work-hour arrangement, location, and frequency of telecommuting. Such a model underscores the role of employee work-hour arrangement in telecommuting choices by bringing out the differences in preferences for telecommuting frequency (both home and center-based) between employees with different work-hour arrangements. The model is applied using data from a survey of San Diego city employees conducted in 1992. The results indicate the importance of modeling work-related decisions as a joint choice rather than examining individual dimensions of work decisions in isolation.

Keywords: telecommuting, work-hour arrangement, location and frequency of telecommuting, nested logit model, multinomial logit model