Author Detail

Patricia L. Mokhtarian (

University of California, Davis

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Publications (268 records):

Title Year Series

 If Pooling with a Discount were Available for the Last Solo-Ridehailing Trip, How Much Additional Travel Time Would Users Have Accepted and for Which Types of Trips?

2024 Research Report

Heterogeneous Preferences for Activities WhileTraveling in Autonomous Vehicles: Relationships WithTravel Contexts and Attitudes

2024 Research Report

What Is the New Normal? An Analysis of Post-COVID-19 Commute and Work Patterns

2023 Research Report
Exploring Heterogeneous Structural Relationships Between E-shopping, Local Accessibility, and Car-Based Travel: An Application of Enriched National Household Travel Survey Add-on Data 2022 Journal Article
On the Interaction of Ridehailing Usage Frequency, Vehicle Availability, and Expectations to Change Vehicle Ownership Among Californians: A Latent-Class Trivariate Model 2022 Conference Paper
Brief: Millennial Travelers Are More Multimodal than Older Travelers, but This Trend Might Change as They Age 2021 Brief
2020 Report on the Transportation Economic Development Program 2021 Journal Article
Analysis of the Georgia Add-On to The 2016–2017 National Household Travel Survey 2021 Journal Article
Do Millennials Value Travel Time Differently Because of Productive Multitasking? A Revealed-Preference Study of Northern California Commuters 2021 Journal Article
The Role of Attitudes in Perceptions of Bicycle Facilities: A Latent-Class Regression Approach 2021 Journal Article
Will Autonomous Vehicles Change Residential Location and Vehicle Ownership? Glimpses from Georgia 2020 Journal Article
What Drives the Gap? Applying the Blinder–Oaxaca Decomposition Method to Examine Generational Diferences in Transportation-Related Attitudes 2020 Journal Article
Bicyclist Facility Preferences and Effects on Increasing Bicycle Trips 2020 Journal Article
What Drives The Gap? Applying The Blinder–Oaxaca Decomposition Method To Examine Generational Differences In Transportation-Related Attitudes 2020 Journal Article
How, and for Whom, Will Activity Patterns Be Modified by Self-Driving Cars? Expectations From the State of Georgia 2020 Journal Article
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Activity Decisions, and Travel Choices: 20 years into the Second Millennium and where do we go next?  2020 Journal Article
What Drives the Use of Ridehailing in California? Ordered Probit Models of the Usage Frequency of Uber and Lyft 2019 Journal Article
Heterogeneous Residential Preferences among Millennials and Members of Generation X in California: a Latent-Class Approach 2019 Journal Article

User Preferences for Bicycle Infrastructure in Communities with Emerging Cycling Cultures

2019 Journal Article
Who Doesn’t Mind Waiting? Examining the Relationships Between Waiting Attitudes and Person- And Travel-Related Attributes 2019 Journal Article

BeltLine Bicyclist Facility Preferences and Effects on Increasing Trips

2019 Research Report
NCST Research Report: The Adoption of Shared Mobility in California and Its Relationship with Other Components of Travel Behavior 2018 Research Report
Exploring the Latent Constructs Behind the Use of Ridehailing in California 2018 Journal Article
What Influences Travelers to Use Uber? Exploring the Factors Affecting the Adoption of On-Demand Ride Services in California 2018 Journal Article
Projecting Travelers into a World of Self-Driving Vehicles: Estimating Travel Behavior Implications via a Naturalistic Experiment 2018 Journal Article
The Combined Effects of Driver Attitudes and In-Vehicle Feedback on Fuel Economy 2017 Journal Article
NCST Research Report: What Affects Millennials' Mobility? PART II: The Impact of Residential Location, Individual Preferences and Lifestyle on Young Adults' Travel Behavior in California 2017 Research Report
The Multimodal Behavior of Millennials: Exploring Differences in Travel Choices between Young Adults and Gen Xers in California 2017 Research Report
Do Multitasking Millennials Value Travel Time Differently? A Revealed Preference Study of Northern California Commuters 2017 Research Report
Relationships Between the Online and In-Store Shopping Frequency of Davis, California Residents 2017 Journal Article
Modeling Household Vehicle and Transportation  Choice and Usage Part A: Factors Related to Voluntary Choice of Low Vehicle Ownership and Usage 2017 Research Report
Multimodal Travel Groups and Attitudes: A Latent Class Cluster Analysis of Dutch Travelers 2016 Journal Article
The Interactions between E-shopping and Store Shopping in the Shopping Process for Search Goods and Experience Goods 2016 Journal Article
NCST Research Report: What Affects Millennials’ Mobility? Part I: Investigating the Environmental Concerns, Lifestyles, Mobility-Related Attitudes and Adoption of Technology of Young Adults in California 2016 Research Report
NCST White Paper: What Affects U.S. Passenger Travel? Current Trends and Future Perspectives 2016 Research Report
Is There Anything Exceptional about ICT Use While Travelling? A Time Allocation Framework for and Empirical Insights into Multitasking Patterns and Well-Being Implications from the Canadian General Social Survey 2016 Research Report
The Effect of Carsharing on Vehicle Holdings and Travel Behavior: A Propensity Score and Causal Mediation Analysis of the San Francisco Bay Area 2015 Journal Article
Lifestyles, Residential Location, Adoption of Emerging Technologies of Social Networks, Car Ownership and Mobility Choices of Millenials 2015 Presentation Series
Residential Location, Lifestyles and Mobility Choices of Millennials in California, and the Motivations behind Them 2015 Presentation Series
Travel Mode Choice and Travel Satisfaction: Bridging the Gap Between Decision Utility and Experienced Utility 2015 Journal Article
What Makes Travel Pleasant and/or Tiring? An Investigation Based on the French National Travel Survey 2015 Journal Article
Home-based Telecommuting and Intra-household Interactions in Work and Non-work Travel: A Seemingly Unrelated Censored Regression Approach 2015 Journal Article
What Moves Us? An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Reasons for Traveling 2015 Journal Article
The Influences of Past and Present Residential Locations on Vehicle Ownership Decisions 2015 Journal Article
How Real is a Reported Desire to Travel for its Own Sake? Exploring the ‘Teleportation’ Concept in Travel Behaviour Research 2015 Journal Article
The First Big-Box Store in Davis 2015 Journal Article

Travel-Based Multitasking: Modeling the Propensity to Conduct Activities While Commuting

2015 Research Report
How Do Activities Conducted While Commuting Influence Mode Choice? Testing Public Transportation Advantage and Autonomous Vehicle Scenarios 2015 Research Report
Does Travel-Based Multitasking Influence Commute Mode Choice? An Investigation of Northern California Commuters 2015 Research Report
Relationships Between the Online and In-Store Shopping Frequency of Davis, California Residents: a Copula-Linked Bivariate Ordinal Response Model 2015 Research Report
Modeling the Adoption of Full-day, Part-day and Overtime Telecommuting: An Investigation of Northern California Workers Using Non-Mean-Centered Factor Scores to Segment on Built Environment Attitudes 2015 Research Report
The Estimation of Changes in Rail Ridership Through an Onboard Survey: Did Free Wi-Fi Make a Difference to Amtrak’s Capitol Corridor Service? 2014 Journal Article
An Empirical Investigation of Attitudes toward Waiting on the Part of Northern California Commuters 2014 Journal Article
Nomads at Last? A Set of Perspectives on How Mobile Technology May Affect Travel 2014 Journal Article
Car Availability Explained by the Structural Relationships Between Lifestyles, Residential Location, and Underlying Residential and Travel Attitudes 2014 Journal Article
Did Free Wi-Fi Make a Difference to Amtrak’s Capitol Corridor Service? An Evaluation of the Impact on Riders and Ridership 2013 Research Report
Measuring the Impacts of Local Land-Use Policies on Vehicle Miles of Travel: The Case of the First Big-Box Store in Davis, California 2013 Journal Article
"Impacts of ICT on Travel Behavior: A Tapestry of Relationships," chapter in The SAGE Handbook of Transport Studies 2013 Journal Article
Measuring the Impacts of Local Land Use Policies on Vehicle Miles of Travel: The Case of the First Big Box Store in Davis, California 2012 Research Report
Commuter Impacts and Behavior Changes during a Temporary Freeway Closure: The 'Fix I-5' Project in Sacramento, California 2012 Journal Article
Cognitive Mechanisms of Behavior Change in the Case of In-Vehicle Fuel Economy Feedback 2012 Working Paper
Trivariate Probit Models of Pre-purchase/Purchase Shopping Channel Choice: Clothing Purchases in Northern California 2012 Research Report
A Conceptual Typology of Multitasking Behavior and Polychronicity Preferences 2012 Research Report
A Survey of Multitasking by Northern California Commuters: Description of the Data Collection Process 2012 Research Report
Understanding Factors Associated with Commute Behavior Changes: An Empirical Investigation from Northern California 2012 Research Report
A Conceptual Typology of Multitasking Behavior and Polychronicity Preferences 2012 Journal Article
The Seoul of Alonso: New Perspectives on Telecommuting and Residential Location from South Korea 2012 Journal Article
Gender Differences in Response to Policies Targeting the Commute to an Automobile-restricted Central Business District 2012 Journal Article
Calculation of Changes in Vehicle Miles Traveled for Drive-Alone Commuting During a Temporary Freeway Closure: The Fix I-5 Project in Sacramento, California 2012 Journal Article
Individual Responses to Congestion Policies: Modeling the Consideration of Factor-Based Travel-Related Strategy Bundles 2012 Journal Article
Going Soft: On How Subjective Variables Explain Modal Choices for Leisure Travel 2011 Journal Article
Nonwork Travel Behavior Changes during Temporary Freeway Closure: The Fix I-5 Project in Sacramento, California 2011 Journal Article
The Impact of the Residential Built Environment on Work at Home Adoption and Frequency: An Example from Northern California 2011 Journal Article
Trivariate Probit Models of Pre-purchase/Purchase Shopping Channel Choice: Clothing Purchases in Northern California 2011 Research Report
Modeling Shopping Channel Perceptions in the Context of Clothing or Book Purchases: The Impact of Product Type and Other Variables 2011 Research Report
The Impact of Product Type and Other Variables on Store and Internet Purchase Intentions: Clothing Versus Books 2011 Research Report

Factors Associated with Proportions and Miles of Bicycling for Transportation and Recreation in Six Small U.S. Cities

2010 Journal Article
The Effects of Gender on Commuter Behavior Changes in the Context of a Major Freeway Reconstruction 2010 Research Report
Neighborhood Design and the Accessibility of the Elderly: An Empirical Analysis in Northern California 2010 Journal Article
The Impact of Non-Normality, Sample Size and Estimation Technique on Goodness-of-Fit Measures in Structural Equation Modeling: Evidence from Ten Empirical Models of Travel Behavior 2010 Journal Article
Neighborhood Satisfaction in Suburban versus Traditional Environments: An Evaluation of Contributing Characteristics in Eight California Neighborhoods 2010 Journal Article
Davis Shopping Survey Report 2010 Research Report
Grouping Travelers on the Basis of their Different Car and Transit Levels of Use 2009 Journal Article
Accounting for Taste Heterogeneity in Purchase Channel Intention Modeling: An Example from Northern California for Book Purchases 2009 Journal Article
Carsharing and the Built Environment: Geographic Information System–Based Study of One U.S. Operator 2009 Journal Article
Desire to Change One's Multimodality and Its Relationship to the Use of Different Transport Means 2009 Journal Article
Modeling the Structural Relationships among Short-Distance Travel Amounts, Perceptions, Affections, and Desires 2009 Journal Article
No Particular Place to Go: An Empirical Analysis of Travel for the Sake of Travel 2009 Journal Article
The Relationship between the Built Environment and Nonwork Travel: A Case Study of Northern California 2009 Journal Article
Active Travel: The Role of Self-Selection in Explaining the Effect of Built Environment on Active Travel 2009 Journal Article
Accounting for Taste Heterogeneity in Purchase Channel Intention Modeling: An Example from Northern California for Book Purchases 2009 Journal Article
A Decomposition of Trends in U.S. Consumer Expenditures on Communications and Travel: 1984–2002 2009 Journal Article
Relationships between U. S. Consumer Expenditures on Communications and Transportation Using Almost Ideal Demand System Modeling:  1984- 2002 2009 Journal Article
Editorial: Notes on Special Issue Honoring Ryuichi Kitamura 2009 Journal Article
What About People in Behavioral Modeling?  Ryuichi Kitamura (1949-2009) 2009 Journal Article
Do Transportation and Communications Tend to Be Substitutes, Complements, or Neither? U.S. Consumer Expenditures Perspective, 1984-2002 2008 Research Report
Travelers’ Segmentation Based on Multimodality Behaviors and Attitudes 2008 Research Report
The Role of Neighborhood Characteristics in the Adoption and Frequency of Working at Home: Empirical Evidence from Northern California 2008 Research Report
Examining the Impacts of Residential Self-Selection on Travel Behavior: Methodologies and Empirical Findings 2008 Research Report
Correlations between Industrial Demands (Direct and Total) for Communications and Transportation in the U.S. Economy 1947-1997 2008 Journal Article
How Do People Respond to Congestion Mitigation Policies? A Multivariate Probit Model of the Individual Consideration of Three Travel-Related Strategy Bundles 2008 Journal Article
Neighborhood Design and Children’s Outdoor Play: Evidence from Northern California 2008 Journal Article
The Causal Influence of Neighborhood Design on Physical Activity within the Neighborhood: Evidence from Northern California 2008 Journal Article
On Modeling the Choices of Work-Hour Arrangement, Location and Frequency of Telecommuting 2008 Research Report
Non-normality of Data in Structural Equation Models 2008 Research Report
Nonnormality of Data in Structural Equation Models 2008 Journal Article
Telecommunications and Travel:  The Case for Complementarity 2008 Journal Article
Examining the Impacts of Residential Self-selection on Travel Behavior:  A Focus on Methodologies 2008 Journal Article
Review of "Growing Cooler: The Evidence on Urban Development and Climate Change" 2008 Journal Article
Examining the Impacts of Residential Self-Selection On Travel Behavior: Methodologies and Empirical Findings 2008 Research Report
Editorial:  Frank Koppelman's Contributions and Legacy to the Travel Demand Modeling Field 2008 Journal Article
Voyage of the S.S. Minivan: Women’s Travel Behavior in Traditional and Suburban Neighborhoods 2007 Journal Article
Description of a Northern California Shopping Survey Data Collection Effort 2007 Research Report
Cross-sectional and Quasi-panel Explorations of the Connection between the Built Environment and Auto Ownership 2007 Journal Article
Do Changes in Neighborhood Characteristics Lead to Changes in Travel Behavior? A Structural Equations Modeling Approach 2007 Journal Article
Exploring the Connections Among Job Accessibility, Employment, Income, and Auto Ownership Using Structural Equation Modeling 2007 Research Report
Costs and Benefits of Home-Based Telecommuting: A Monte Carlo Simulation Model Incorporating Telecommuter, Employer, and Public Sector Perspectives 2007 Journal Article
Subjective Assessments of Personal Mobility: What Makes the Difference Between A Little and A Lot? 2007 Journal Article
Attitudes toward Travel and Land Use and Choice of Residential Neighborhood Type: Evidence from the San Francisco Bay Area 2007 Journal Article
The Role of Attitudes toward Travel and Land Use in Residential Location Behavior: Some Empirical Evidence from the San Francisco Bay Area 2007 Journal Article
Neighborhood Design as a Strategy for Improving Air Quality: Evidence from Northern California 2007 Journal Article
Exploring the Cognitive and Affective Mechanisms Behind Subjective Assessments of Travel Amounts 2007 Journal Article
The Influences of the Built Environment and Residential Self-Selection on Pedestrian Behavior: Evidence from Austin, TX 2006 Journal Article
Neighborhood Design and Vehicle Type Choice: Evidence from Northern California 2006 Journal Article
Self-Selection in the Relationship between the Built Environment and Walking 2006 Journal Article
Telecommunications and Travel Demand and Supply: Aggregate Structural Equation Models for the US 2006 Journal Article
Relationships Between U.S. Consumer Expenditures on Communications and Travel: 1984-2002 2006 Research Report
Examining the Impacts of Residential Self-Selection on Travel Behavior: Methodologies and Empirical Findings 2006 Research Report
The Impacts of ICT on Leisure Activities and Travel: A Conceptual Exploration 2006 Journal Article
Which Came First, the Telecommuting or the Residential Relocation? An Empirical Analysis of Causality 2006 Journal Article
How Do Individuals Adapt Their Personal Travel? Objective and Subjective Influences on the Consideration of Travel-Related Strategies for San Francisco Bay Area Commuters 2005 Journal Article
Driving by Choice or Necessity? 2005 Journal Article
What if You Live in the Wrong Neighborhood? The Impact of Residential Neighborhood Type Dissonance on Distance Traveled 2005 Journal Article
An Empirical Analysis of Causality in the Relationship Between Telecommuting and Residential and Job Relocation 2005 Research Report
Don't Work, Work at Home, or Commute? Discrete Choice Models of the Decision for San Francisco Bay Area Residents 2005 Research Report
The Intended and Actual Adoption of Online Purchasing: A Brief Review of Recent Literature 2005 Research Report
An Exploratory Study Using an AIDS Model For Tradeoffs Between Time Allocations to Maintenance Activities/Travel and Discretionary Activities/Travel 2005 Research Report
The Impact of Telecommuting on Commute Time, Distance, and Speed of State of California Workers 2005 Research Report
Integrated Graduate Education & Research Traineeships (IGERT): Transportation Technology & Policy Final Grant Report 2005 Research Report
Integrated Graduate Education & Research Traineeships (IGERT): Transportation Technology & Policy Executive Summary 2005 Research Report
How Do Individuals Adapt Their Personal Travel? A Conceptual Exploration of the Consideration of the Travel-Related Strategies 2005 Journal Article

Correlation or Causality between the Built Environment and Travel Behavior? Evidence from Northern California

2005 Journal Article
Measuring the Measurable: Why Can't We Agree on the Number of Telecommuters in the U.S.? 2005 Journal Article
Do Telecommunications Affect Passenger Travel or Vice Versa? Structural Equation Models of Aggregate U.S. Time Series Data Using Composite Indexes 2005 Journal Article
Communication Chains: A Methodology for Assessing the Impacts of the Internet on Communication and Travel 2005 Journal Article
Modeling the Joint Labor-Commute Engagement Decisions of San Francisco Bay Area Residents 2005 Journal Article
What Affects Commute Mode Choice: Neighborhood Physical Structure or Preferences toward Neighborhoods 2005 Journal Article
Specification of a Tour-Based Neighborhood Shopping Model 2005 Journal Article
Which Comes First, the Neighborhood or the Walking? 2005 Journal Article
When is Getting there Half the Fun?  Modeling the Liking for Travel 2005 Journal Article
Travel as a Desired End, not Just a Means 2005 Journal Article
Wanting to Travel, More or Less:  Exploring the Determinants of the Deficit and Surfeit of Personal Travel 2005 Journal Article
Modeling the Individual Consideration of Travel-Related Strategy Bundles 2004 Research Report
Who Likes Traveling? Models of the Individual's Affinity for Various Kinds of Travel 2004 Research Report
Data and Measurement Issues in Transportation, With Telecommuting as a Case Study 2004 Research Report
A Taxonomy of Leisure Activities: The Role of ICT 2004 Research Report
An Input-Output Analysis of the Relationships between Communications and Travel for Industry 2004 Research Report
Reducing Road Congestion: A Reality Check—A Comment 2004 Journal Article
What Type of Vehicle Do People Drive? The Role of Attitude and Lifestyle in Influencing Vehicle Type Choice 2004 Journal Article
A Conceptual Analysis of the Transportation Impacts of B2C E-Commerce 2004 Journal Article
Telecommuting, Residential Location, and Commute-distance Traveled: Evidence from State of California Employees 2004 Journal Article
The Extent and Determinants of Dissonance between Actual and Preferred Residential Neighborhood Type 2004 Journal Article
Residential Location Choice and Travel Behavior: Implications for Air Quality 2004 Research Report
Personal Travel Management:  The Adoption and Consideration of Travel-Related Strategies 2004 Journal Article
When is Commuting Desirable to the Individual? 2004 Journal Article
Modeling the Individual Consideration of Travel-Related Strategies 2003 Research Report
Telecommuting and Residential Location: Relationships with Commute Distance Traveled for State of California Workers 2003 Research Report
Does Dissonance between Desired and Current Residential Neighbourhood type Affect Travel Behaviour? An Empirical Assessment from the San Francisco Bay Area 2003 Presentation Series
A Space-Time Network for Telecommuting versus Commuting Decision-Making 2003 Journal Article
TTB or Not TTB, That is the Question: A Review and Analysis of the Empirical Literature on Travel Time (and Money) Budgets 2003 Journal Article
The Adoption and Consideration of Commute-Oriented Travel Alternatives 2002 Research Report
Impacts of Home-Based Telecommuting on Vehicle-Miles Traveled: A Nationwide Time Series Analysis 2002 Research Report
The Relationship of Vehicle Type Choice to Personality, Lifestyle, Attitudinal, and Demographic Variables 2002 Research Report
Determinants of Subjective Assessments of Personal Mobility 2002 Research Report
Revisiting the Notion of Induced Traffic through a Matched-Pairs Study 2002 Journal Article
Patterns of Telecommuting Engagement and Frequency: A Cluster Analysis of Telecenter Uses 2002 Journal Article
A Methodology for the Disaggregate, Multidimensional Measurement of Residential Neighbourhood Type 2002 Journal Article
Emerging Travel Patterns: Do Telecommunications Make a Difference? 2002 Journal Article
The Impact of Residential Neighborhood Type on Travel Behavior: A Structural Equations Modeling Approach 2002 Journal Article
Driven to Travel: The Identification of Mobility-Inclined Market Segments 2002 Journal Article
Multicriteria Network Equilibrium Modeling with Variable Weights for Decision-Making in the Information Age with Applications to Telecommuting and Teleshopping 2002 Journal Article
Traffic Network Equilibrium and the Environment: A Multicriteria Decision Making Process 2002 Journal Article
Life Cycle Assessment of Fuel Cell Vehicles:  A Methodology Example of Input Data Treatment for Future Technologies 2002 Journal Article
Modeling Objective Mobility: The Impact of Travel-Related Attitudes, Personality and Lifestyle on Distance Traveled 2001 Research Report
Modeling Individuals' Relative Desired Travel Amounts 2001 Research Report
The Positive Utility of the Commute: Modeling Ideal Commute Time and Relative Desired Commute Amount 2001 Journal Article
How Derived is the Demand for Travel? Some Conceptual and Measurement Considerations 2001 Journal Article
Worker Telecommunication and Mobility in Transition: Consequences for Planning 2001 Journal Article
Understanding the Demand for Travel: It's Not Purely 'Derived' 2001 Journal Article
Teleshopping versus Shopping: A Multicriteria Network Equilibrium Framework 2001 Journal Article
Modeling Individuals' Travel Time and Money Expenditures 2000 Research Report
Telecommunications and Travel 2000 Journal Article
Modeling Employees' Perceptions and Proportional Preferences of Work Locations: The Regular Workplace and Telecommuting Alternatives 2000 Journal Article
Modeling Individuals' Consideration of Strategies to Cope with Congestion 2000 Journal Article
The Costs and Benefits of Home-Based Telecommuting 2000 Research Report
The Costs and Benefits of Telecommuting: A Review and Evaluation of Micro-Scale Studies and Promotional Literature 2000 Research Report
The Role of Lifestyle and Attitudinal Characteristics in Residential Neighborhood Choice 1999 Presentation Series
Travel for the Fun of It 1999 Journal Article
A Review and Discussion of the Literature on Travel Time and Money Expenditures 1999 Research Report
Beyond Tele-Substitution: Disaggregate Longitudinal Structural Equations Modeling of Communication Impacts 1999 Journal Article
Developing Models of Preference for Home-Based and Center-Based Telecommuting: Findings and Forecasts 1998 Journal Article
A Synthetic Approach to Estimating the Impacts of Telecommuting on Travel 1998 Journal Article
What Happens when Mobility-Inclined Market Segments Face Accessibility-Enhancing Policies? 1998 Journal Article
The Impact of Gender, Occupation, and Presence of Children on Telecommuting Motivations and Constraints 1998 Journal Article
Duration and Frequency of Telecenter Use: Once a Telecommuter, Always a Telecommuter? 1998 Journal Article
Transportation Impacts of Center-Based Telecommuting: Interim Findings from the Neighborhood Telecenters Project 1998 Journal Article
The Trade-off between Trips and Distance Traveled in Analyzing the Emissions Impacts of Center-Based Telecommuting 1998 Journal Article
Analyzing the Travel Behavior of Home-Based Workers in the 1991 CALTRANS Statewide Travel Survey 1998 Journal Article
Telecommuting Centers in California: 1991 – 1997 1997 Research Report
Residential Area-Based Offices Project: Final Report on the Evaluation of Impacts 1997 Research Report
The Costs and Benefits of Telecommuting: An Evaluation of Macro-Scale Literature 1997 Research Report
Residential Area-Based Offices Project: Final Report on Telecenter Operations 1997 Research Report
Modeling the Desire to Telecommute: The Importance of Attitudinal Factors in Behavioral Models 1997 Journal Article
The Transportation Impacts of Telecommuting: Recent Empirical Findings 1997 Journal Article
The Impact of Telecommuting on the Activity Spaces of Participants and their Households 1997 Journal Article
Coping with Congestion:  Understanding the Gap between Policy Assumptions and Behavior 1997 Journal Article
Analyzing the Preference for Non-Exclusive Forms of Telecommuting:  Modeling and Policy Implications 1997 Journal Article
Behavioral Response to Congestion: Identifying Patterns and Socio-Economic Differences in Adoption 1997 Journal Article
Now That Travel Can Be Virtual, Will Congestion Virtually Disappear? 1997 Journal Article
Why Don't You Telecommute? 1997 Journal Article
Emerging Travel Patterns: Do Telecommunications Make a Difference? 1997 Presentation Series
A Micro-Analysis of Land Use and Travel in Five Neighborhoods in the San Francisco Bay Area 1997 Journal Article
The Impact of Telecommuting on the Activity Spaces of Participants 1996 Research Report
Using Travel Diary Data to Estimate the Emissions Impacts of Transportation Strategies: The Puget Sound Telecommuting Demonstration Project 1996 Journal Article
Forecasting Telecommuting: An Exploration of Methodologies and Research Needs 1996 Journal Article
The Travel and Emissions Impacts of Telecommuting for the State of California Telecommuting Pilot Project 1996 Journal Article
The Future of Telecommuting 1996 Journal Article
Impacts of Center-Based Telecommuting on Travel and Emissions: Analysis of The Puget Sound Demonstration Project 1996 Journal Article
Modeling the Choice of Telecommuting:  3. Identifying the Choice Set and Estimating Binary Choice Models for Technology-Based Alternatives 1996 Journal Article
Modeling the Choice of Telecommuting:  2. A Case of the Preferred Impossible Alternative 1996 Journal Article
The Information Highway: Just Because We’re On It Doesn’t Mean We Know Where We’re Going 1996 Journal Article
Residential Area-Based Offices Project: Interim Findings Report on the Evaluation of Impacts 1996 Research Report
Adoption of Telecommuting in Two California State Agencies 1996 Research Report
Telecommunications in Urban Planning: Selected North American Examples 1995 Research Report
Modeling the Preference for Telecommuting: Measuring Attitudes and Other Variables 1995 Research Report
Planning for Telecommuting: Measurement and Policy Issues 1995 Journal Article
Modeling the Choice of Telecommuting Frequency in California: An Exploratory Analysis 1995 Journal Article
Methodological Issues in the Estimation of the Travel, Energy, and Air Quality Impacts of Telecommuting 1995 Journal Article
Telecommuting Centers and Related Concepts: A Review of Practice 1994 Research Report
A Comparison of the Policy, Social, and Cultural Contexts for Telecommuting in Japan and the United States 1994 Research Report
Travel Diary-Based Emissions Analysis of Telecommuting for the Puget Sound Demonstration Project 1994 Research Report
Land Use and Travel Behavior 1994 Research Report
A Micro-Analysis of Land Use and Travel in Five Neighborhoods in the San Francisco Bay Area 1994 Research Report
Modeling the Choice of Telecommuting: Setting the Context 1994 Journal Article
A Comparison of the Policy, Social and Cultural Contexts for Telecommuting in Japan and the United States 1994 Journal Article
Telecommuting Frequency and Impacts for the State of California Pilot Project Participants 1994 Journal Article
Telecommuting and Residential Location: Theory and Implications for Commute Travel in Monocentric Metropolis 1994 Journal Article
Technical Memo 1: Estimates of Current Levels of Telecommuting in California 1993 Research Report
Technical Memo 2: Travel and Energy Impacts of Telecommuting 1993 Research Report
Technical Memo 3: Base Case Estimates and Forecasts of Telecommuting in California 1993 Research Report
Technical Memo 4: Future Levels of Telecommuting in California: Factors, Policies, Modeling Issues, and Research Needs 1993 Research Report
Evaluating the Travel and Communication Impacts of Advanced Residential Telecommunications Services: Lessons from the Literature 1993 Research Report
The Travel and Urban Form Implications of Telecommunications Technology 1993 Research Report
Telecommuting: What's the Payoff? 1993 Journal Article
Telecommuting in the United States: Letting Our Fingers Do The Commuting 1992 Journal Article
Modeling the Choice of Telecommuting: Setting the Context 1992 Research Report
Defining Telecommuting 1991 Research Report
The Transportation Impacts of Telecommuting in Two San Diego Pilot Programs 1991 Research Report
An Empirical Analysis of the Transportation Impacts of Telecommuting 1991 Presentation Series
Environmental Impacts 1991 Journal Article
An Evaluation of Telecommuting as a Trip Reduction Measure 1991 Presentation Series
Telecommuting and Travel: State of the Practice, State of the Art 1991 Journal Article
Defining Telecommuting 1991 Journal Article
The Effectiveness of Telecommuting as a Transportation Control Measure 1991 Presentation Series
A Typology of Relationships Between Telecommunications and Transportation 1990 Journal Article
An Empirical Evaluation of the Travel Impacts of Teleconferencing 1988 Journal Article
Time-Dependent Structural Equations Modeling:  A Methodology for Analyzing the Dynamic Attitude-Behavior Relationship 1984 Journal Article
Attitudinal Analysis of Work/School Travel 1981 Journal Article