Publication Detail

Individual Responses to Congestion Policies: Modeling the Consideration of Factor-Based Travel-Related Strategy Bundles


Journal Article

Suggested Citation:
Choo, Sangho and Patricia L. Mokhtarian (2012) Individual Responses to Congestion Policies: Modeling the Consideration of Factor-Based Travel-Related Strategy Bundles . KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 16 (5), 822 - 834

This study explores key factors affecting individuals’ consideration of eight travel-related strategy bundles (auto improvement, mobile phone, work-schedule changes, hire someone to do house or yard work, mode change, home-based work, residential/ employment relocation, and alter employment status). The data for this study were collected from a fourteen-page survey returned by about 1,300 commuters living in three distinct San Francisco Bay Area neighborhoods. We developed discrete choice (binary logit) models for individuals’ consideration of each bundle. The results suggest that besides adoption and time since adoption of individual strategies, qualitative and quantitative Mobility-related variables, Travel Attitudes, Personality, Lifestyle, Travel Liking, and Excess Travel significantly affect individuals’ consideration of the travel-related strategy bundles.