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An Evaluation of Telecommuting as a Trip Reduction Measure


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Kitamura, Ryuichi, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Ram M. Pendyala, Konstadinos G. Goulias (1991) An Evaluation of Telecommuting as a Trip Reduction Measure. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Presentation Series UCD-ITS-RP-91-24

Proceedings, 19th Annual Meeting of the Planning and Transport Research and Computation (PTRC) Education and Research Services Ltd., University of Sussex, Brighton, England

Telecommuting, which is the performance of work at home or at a center close to home using telecommunications, has attracted growing interest among planners and researchers as a strategy for reducing travel demand. This paper investigates the potential of telecommuting as a trip reduction measure, using data obtained from a telecommuting pilot project involving state of California government employees.

In this pilot project, a three-day trip diary was administered, before and after telecommuting began, to telecommuters, a control group, and driving-age household members of both groups. A sample of 219 "stayers" is analyzed in this paper.

Findings include: telecommuting leads to a substantial reduction in trip generation, vehicle-miles traveled, peak period travel, car use, and freeway travel. It does not lead to an increase in non-work trips.