Publication Detail
The Transportation Impacts of Telecommuting: Recent Empirical Findings
UCD-ITS-RP-97-07 Journal Article |
Suggested Citation:
Mokhtarian, Patricia L. (1997) The Transportation Impacts of Telecommuting: Recent Empirical Findings. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Journal Article UCD-ITS-RP-97-07
A particular study of two telecommuting programs in San Diego, California, is used to document and illustrate a variety of transportation-related impacts of telecommuting. Original findings from these two programs are discussed here, and related to previously-reported results from other studies. The survey used to evaluate these programs obtains information on commute travel saved, new travel generated, and potential impacts on vehicle ownership, mode choice, and residential location. Ten general findings related to these are presented.
In Understanding Travel Behaviour in an Era of Change, ed. Peter Stopher and Martin Lee-Gosselin. Published by Pergamon.