Publication Detail
What About People in Behavioral Modeling? Ryuichi Kitamura (1949-2009)
UCD-ITS-RP-09-60 Journal Article Download PDF |
Suggested Citation:
Mokhtarian, Patricia L. (2009) What About People in Behavioral Modeling? Ryuichi Kitamura (1949-2009). Journal of Choice Modeling 2 (1), 1 - 7
On February 19, 2009, the travel behavior community lost a leading light when Ryuichi Kitamura passed away after a lengthy and spirited battle with cancer. Numerous tributes have appeared or will appear in other venues, including Richards (2009); Mahmassani (2009); Lam and Wong (2009); forthcoming special issues of Transportation, Transportation Research Part B, and Transportation Letters; special sessions at the upcoming conferences of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) and the Transportation Research Board; and on the UC Davis web site at So in terms of biographical facts I will here be very brief and mention only the following few highlights.