Publication Detail

Bicyclist Facility Preferences and Effects on Increasing Bicycle Trips


Journal Article

3 Revolutions Future Mobility Program, BicyclingPlus Research Collaborative

Suggested Citation:
Watkins, Kari, Calvin Clark, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Giovanni Circella, Susan L. Handy, Alison Kendall (2020) Bicyclist Facility Preferences and Effects on Increasing Bicycle Trips. NCHRP (National Cooperative Highway Research Program) Research Report 941

This report presents an analysis of perceptions and preferences of cyclists for different types of bicycling facilities--including sharrows, bike lanes, and buffered bike lanes—along a variety of roadway types, with and without curbside automobile parking. In addition, the research analyzed the effect of newly constructed bicycling facilities on perceptions of bikeability and changes in the frequency of bicycling. The study analyzes data from before and after the construction of bicycling facilities in three communities in Alabama and Tennessee. The results provide insights into how the design and presence of new bicycling facilities can affect attitudes, preferences, and willingness to try cycling. Major findings from this research include two outcomes present in both the focus group and the survey. First, respondents rated facilities having a higher degree of separation from drivers more positively, with protected/separated bike lanes and multi-use paths being the best. Second, parking was a clear deterrent for comfort, perceived safety, and willingness to bicycle. In some cases, the number of traffic lanes was a deterrent but in others, it did not affect comfort, safety, or willingness to bicycle. Protected/separated bike lanes were effective in reducing the negative effects of roadway characteristics.

Keywords: bicycle facilities, bicycle lanes, bicycle parking, bicycle travel, cyclists, highway design, highway safety, mode choice, on street parking stated preferences