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Residential Area-Based Offices Project: Final Report on Telecenter Operations


Research Report

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Suggested Citation:
Buckinger, Carol, Francisca Mar, Patricia L. Mokhtarian (1997) Residential Area-Based Offices Project: Final Report on Telecenter Operations. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-97-28

Conceived in 1991 and launched in 1992, the Residential Area-Based Offices (RABO) Program was designed to assess the feasibility of remote work offices, or telecenters, as a transportation demand management strategy and as an alternative work option. The program involved establishing telecenters throughout California and monitoring their usage and operations, as well as monitoring their impact on work and travel-related behavior. This volume presents the operations findings of the program, encompassing site selection, capitalization and operations costs, personnel and staffing, marketing and recruitment activities, and operation of the centers. A companion volume (Residential Area-Based Offices Project: Final Report on the Evaluation of Impacts) evaluates the usage of the centers and the impacts of telecommuting on productivity, attitudes toward work, travel, air quality, and other areas. These two volumes constitute the final report on the project.