Publication Detail
The Transportation Impacts of Telecommuting in Two San Diego Pilot Programs
UCD-ITS-RR-91-12 Research Report |
Suggested Citation:
Mokhtarian, Patricia L. (1991) The Transportation Impacts of Telecommuting in Two San Diego Pilot Programs. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-91-12
Travel behavior researchers have developed a number of hypotheses regarding the transportation impacts of telecommuting – using telecommunications technology to work from home or another location remote from one's primary office. Until recently, there was little empirical data available to test these hypotheses. Now, however, a number of telecommuting projects are being evaluated with respect to changes in travel behavior. This paper reports work-in-progress on the transportation evaluation of five telecommuting projects in Southern California. The original findings from two of these projects are presented here, and related to previously reported results from other studies. The survey used in these projects obtains information on potential changes in mode choice, auto ownership, residential location, and activity patterns due to telecommuting.