Publication Detail

Performance of Drained and Undrained Flexible Pavement Structures Under Wet Conditions Test Data From Accelerated Pavement Test Section 543-Drained


Research Report

UC Pavement Research Center

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Suggested Citation:
Bejarano, Manuel O., John T. Harvey, Abdikarim Ali, Mark Russo, David Mahama, Dave Hung, Pitipat Preedonant (2004) Performance of Drained and Undrained Flexible Pavement Structures Under Wet Conditions Test Data From Accelerated Pavement Test Section 543-Drained. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-04-06

The main objective of this test program was to evaluate the effectiveness of drained pavements in preventing a decrease in stiffness and strength of unbound materials (base, subbase, and subgrade) due to an increase in water content produced by water infiltration. Other objectives included:
  • Comparison of the long term performance of drained and undrained pavements under wet conditions;
  • Quantification of elastic moduli of the various pavement layers using deflections obtained from a slow moving wheel and from the falling weight deflectometer;
  • Determination of the failure mechanism(s) of the pavement sections; and
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of non-destructive and partially destructive methods for assessing the pavement structural condition.